
In Xanadu did Kublah Khan a stately pleasure dome decree

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Radical Discontinuity

Without much research,  I took a big leap — jumped off a cliff and I went to a new kind of retreat.  I thought tantra + shamanism:  two great tastes that taste great together, what could possibly go wrong?  And My intuition was right. It was immersive and hugely cathartic. i let go of *so much stuff* I didn’t realize I was still carrying. I would have to write a whole book about it to convey everything that happened.

But I don’t want to.

I really don’t have much interest in writing about it, except for the pleasure of remembering the details.  I feel no need to process it. I understand what happened and it was good.  I feel changed, I feel things have broken loose and are shifting a lot now. So I don’t want to stop and write about it.

I want to go Live it.

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